It’s first sent through an included transformer to lower the voltage, then travels through metal strips in the track. Household AC electric current powers the action in your slot car kit. A pin on the car’s chassis fits into the slot to guide it around the racetrack. Competing slot cars each run in their own separate lane. The track has two or more parallel lanes with a slot in each lane.
Slot cars kits typically include the following basic components: slot cars, an equal number of controllers, slot car track sections, and a transformer.Ī slot car is a tiny, motorized model vehicle designed to race around a slotted racetrack. However, it might be helpful to know a little about the equipment you’ll find inside.
No previous experience is needed to get started with your first Tower Hobbies slot car kit. This one comes with four slot cars that compete simultaneously over 36 feet of four lane track filled with sharp turns, long straightaways, and many other exciting challenges! As your experience grows, you can move up to the bigger thrills of advanced slot car kits like the Victory 400 Slot Race Set. You can start with inexpensive slot car sets like the Hot Wheels Slot Drag Set, which includes two slot cars and 14 feet of two lane slot car track. Slot car kits from Tower Hobbies make it easy to enjoy a miniaturized version of fast auto racing right in your home, anytime and almost anywhere.